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추석, 한가위 맞이 '송편' 만들기

글쓴이 : 추석 날짜 : 2020-09-25 (금) 09:29 조회 : 2432

[INGREDIENTS] - 30 pieces -

5 cups of Nonglutinous rice powder, 1tsp Salt, 1 cup of Hot water, 2tbsp Sesame oil

- Chestnut filling: 15 Boiled chestnut, 2tbsp Brown sugar, 1tbsp Honey, Pinch of Salt

- Sesame filling: 5tbsp Ground Sesame, 2tbsp Brown sugar, 1tbsp Honey, Pinch of Salt
- Black bean filling: 1 cup of Boiled black bean, 1tbsp Brown sugar, 1/4tsp Salt

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